Title: Africa weeps for her children
Size: 400 x 400 mm
Title: Beacon of Hope: Food aid arrives
Size: 1500 x 1000 mm
Title: Here comes the food drop
Size: 400 x 400 mm
I guess with kids in Sudan right now, recently under attack, and my sister in Zimbabwe, on the knife edge of botched elections and a mad dictator exacting revenge from anyone who might have voted for the opposition, it is only natural to be a bit pre-occupied about what is happening in Africa.
It is such a place of contradictions, and I love it deeply, with its wonderful vibrancy and warmth, and its stunning richness of scenery, cultures, wildlife etc. But it would be naive to see it totally through rose coloured spectacles and fail to acknowledge the deep problems in the continent............ (mmmmmm, just realised that must make our state president, Thabo "there is no crisis in Zimbabwe" Mbeki VERY naive!!)
This concern seems to be expressing itself on canvas, and I have been doing a series lately, expressing something of the hopelessness of so many in Africa, particularly the women and children, and refugees, and those who depend on outsiders to drop food for their survival.